Monday, August 04, 2008

There are now 2 Bocce Training programs on LI. Please read each flier carefully and decide which is best for you!



Special Olympics New York LI Region









Bocce Training Program


Lori-Jean Farrell, TR Coordinator / Free Lightning Head Coach and Seth Ruskin, ABS / Free Lightning Training Coach are beginning an:

East Patchogue FREE Lightning Bocce Training Program.


This weekly program will be held

Saturday mornings (rain date of Sunday)

At: Sipp IRA

887 Sipp Ave. between Woodside and Hospital Rd.


We will be working with the Athletes to develop physical fitness and participate in sharing of skills and friendship.

 This training program is designed to teach the sport of Bocce and prepare the Athletes for Regional, State and World Special Olympics Games.


The first practice will be:

Saturday, August 16, 2008

From: 10:00am to 12:00 Nn


Athletes will be required:

To have a current Medical / Consent on file

Wear comfortable clothing (not jeans) and sneakers

Be accompanied by Residential staff, Coach or Parent


Please RSVP to Lori-Jean Farrell by email or

Phone (631) 273-3700 ext. 3420


**FYI Med / Consents are good for 3 years for ALL SO sports









Casey Reisig

Program Specialist

819 Grand Boulevard, Suite 3

Deer Park, NY 11729

Phone: 631-254-1465 ext. 13

Fax 631-254-1469